ISQN 2025 - Highlights
- Mathematical skills integreted with "numerical modeling"
- Charge-carrier density map
- Enhancement of optical absorption
- Quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE)
- Strong and weak absorber phenomena
The topics of ISQN Lectures/Persentations also include:
(It will vary depending on the speaker's condition.)
- Quantum Mechanical Motions
- Charge Carrires in Semicondutors
- Quantum Electron Confinement
- Numerical Aspects for Energy-Levels
- Optical Properties
- Quantum Dots under External Field
Main Theme
At the nanoscale distances, materials can be designed to exhibit new "key" properties based on quantum mechanical context. ISQN-2025 focuses on quantum machanical structures/devices at nanometer scale. Especially, designing the optoelectronic devices combine physics, material science and electrical engineering. It also helps extend the limits of nanoscale engineering.
Topical Prespective
The aim of the present conference is to bring together researchers in the scientific fields in order to examine academic (or scientific) developments and to enhance the connection between different research topics. To keep the conference focused, it will concentrate on quantum confined devices and related systems.
Light-electron interactions govern a wide range of physical effects in optoelectronic devices. Nanostructural materials, as important physical systems for developing quantum-size effects to optolectronic design, exhibit phenomena which are highly sensitive to optical transitions, responsivity, electroabsorptive process, optical emission, bulit-in electric field related to solar cell, etc.
Our motivation comes primarily from the sensivity to understand deep questions of charge carriers and many-body physics. In a way, ISQN-2025 holds the fundamental potential to provide solutions to research on with the nano-device design.